Women Visionaries
Women for Wildlife visionaries are the heroines of today's wildlife world — a collection of women who stand up for what they believe in, even in the face of adversity. These are extraordinary women worldwide who contribute to the protection and conservation of wildlife and work tirelessly to create a better world. Together, we support their efforts, amplify their voices and share their stories.
Through numberous nominations from around the world, these 35 esteemed women are our founding visionaries, representing 17 different countries. What makes them truly shine is that they approach conservation with authenticity, courage and vision.
As wildlife biologists, photographers, indigenous leaders, filmmakers, tourism operators, business owners, youth leaders, conservation scientists, artists, activists, adventurers and explorers, they create a collective and powerful voice for nature.
Women for Wildlife visionaries are women who follow their hearts and inspire those around them with sheer determination, strength, compassion and passion. Click on the below images to meet our visionaries and learn more about their projects.
Please stay tuned to find out how you can nominate a wildlife visionary for Women for Wildlife!

Shivani Bhalla, Kenya Ewaso Lions Conservation Scientist http://ewasolions.org/ *photo: Tony Allport

Cristina Mittermeier, Mexico El Planeta Photo and International League of Conservation Photographers Photographer and Explorer http://www.cristinamittermeier.com/

The Black Mambas Anti-Poaching Unit, South Africa A majority-women ranger group and winner of UN's Champion of the Earth Award. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=51825#.Vggb22RViko

Jenny Nichols, United States Pongo Media Photographer and Film Maker http://pongomediaproductions.com/ *photo: Sara Menzies

Raimunda Putani, Brazil Associação Sociocultural Yawanawa Indigenous Leader and Woman Shaman http://www.equatorinitiative.org/images/stories/com_winners/casestudy/case_1348150412.pdf *photo: Michael Muller

Anna Cummins, United States 5 Gyres Explorer and Educator http://www.5gyres.org/

Lihle Mbokazi, South Africa Wilderness Foundation Experiential Education Manager http://www.wildernessfoundation.co.za/index.php

Colette Wabnitz, New Caledonia SPC Division of Fisheries Fisheries Scientist

Dr. Sylvia Earle, United States National Geographic Explorer in Residence Explorer and Conservation Scientist http://mission-blue.org/

Olivia Ries, United States One More Generation (OMG) Youth Leader and Educator http://onemoregeneration.org/

Celine Cousteau, United States CauseCentric Productions Explorer and Film Maker http://www.causecentric.org/

Rebecca Klein, Botswana Cheetah Conservation Botswana Wildlife Conservation Ambassador http://wildnet.org/wildlife-programs/cheetah-botswana http://www.cheetahbotswana.com/

Danni Washington, United States Ocean Gems Ocean Advocate and Science Communicator http://danniwashington.com/

Morgan Heim, United States Days Edge Productions Photographer and Film Maker http://www.morganheim.com/

Namfon Passanan Cutter, Thailand Fishing Cat Research and Conservation Wildlife Biologist https://catinwater.wordpress.com/tag/fishing-cat-research-and-conservation-project/

Shari Sant Plummer, United States Code Blue Foundation Explorer and Film Maker http://www.codebluefoundation.org/

Colleen Flanigan, Mexico and U.S. Socio-Ecological Artist Through visual, performing, and biological arts, she investigates contemporary issues of species endangerment and ecosystem regeneration, specifically coral reefs. Her work encompasses Living Sea Sculptures, conversation-catalyzing alter egos, participatory multimedia exhibitions, and more. http://www.colleenflanigan.com/

Roz Savage, United Kingdom Ocean Rower, Author and Advocate http://www.rozsavage.com/

Zoe Wanjiru, Kenya Bush and Events Africa Tour Operator and Educator http://www.bushandevents.com/1/

Bonnie Monetelone, United States The Plastic Ocean Project Conservation Scientist and Artist http://theplasticocean.blogspot.com/

Oy Kanjanavanit, Thailand Green World Foundation Conservation Scientist and Educator http://www.greenworld.or.th/

Kerstin Forsberg, Peru Planeta Océano Conservation Scientist http://www.planetaoceano.org/

Kate Brown, New Zealand Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) Conservation Policy Specialist http://www.glispa.org/

Irene Davey, Australia Kimberly Land Council Indigenous Leader --Aboriginal http://www.klc.org.au/

Sonja Fordham, United States Shark Advocates International Conservation Scientist and Political Advocate http://www.sharkadvocates.org/sonja_fordham.html