As a collective movement and shared voice, we offer a place for women from varied backgrounds to learn from one another through courage, vision and authenticity. Women for Wildlife aims to nurture a healthier planet where wildlife and humans can co-exist and thrive.
Together, as a community, we go beyond our wildest expectations.

Far too often, we forget that we each have epic stories to share with the world and that these stories need to be heard. It is important to remember that your story matters as it can influence and impact the world.
By promoting and celebrating unique stories from insipiring women, we return to a space of hope. Whether you have just completed your PhD thesis, launched a new nonprofit or business, started a community project, created a new film, or overcame a personal obstacle — we want to hear your story and amplify your voice.
Extraordinary women are working on wildlife issues in so many ways and often without a lot of support or recognition. We need one another to creatively approach wildlife conservation initiatives through a variety of lenses.
So, how do we connect and come together?
Identify the strengths you bring to the table — business, art, communications, law, economics, strategy, policy, science, leadership, fundraising, marketing, photography, design, music, computer programming, education, filmmaking, adventuring, storytelling, etc.
Explore our Women Visionaries page to meet women leading the way and reach out to them. Identify a visionary or project that resonates with you and connect to find out how you can get involved.
"LIKE" the Women for Wildlife - Global Facebook Page — an online platform for women to connect and learn about one another. Link up with our Regional Chapters and other social media platforms.
Regional Chapters
The world is quite an expansive place and sometimes it can be challenging to build a community that is a bit closer to home. Women for Wildlife Regional Chapters are here to help! These online platforms help to better connect women across specific regions to offer a place for support, networks, and friendships to blossom. We encourage members to utilize these spaces to share ideas and news articles, ask questions, post about upcoming conferences and funding opportunities, and even host local events!
*Note, if we have not yet launched a chapter in your region and you would like to help us build one, please let us know!
Regional Chapters
Women for Wildlife - Africa
Women for Wildlife - Europe
Women for Wildlife - Latin America
Women for Wildlife - Oceania
Women for Wildlife - India
Women for Wildlife - Northeast (NY/DC)
Women for Wildlife - San Francisco/Bay Area
Women for Wildlife - Rocky Mountain Range
Women for Wildlife - Southern California (LA/San Diego)
Although online platforms are extremely powerful, nothing can compare to collaborating in person. Women for Wildlife invites women to gather at a conferences or travel to destinations to meet with other conservation leaders who truly stand out in their work and passion. We are also expanding into expeditions to offer the opportunity to join together for exploration, adventure and impact. These journeys include trainings, workshops, educational outreach, community engagement, wildlife excursions, media, friendships and hope.
Contact: womenforwildlife@gmail.com